Construction site stormwater management

While monitoring the water quality in urban streams in Turku city since 2011, we noticed that a significant proportion of pollution loading was originating from construction sites. Even though one project lasts for a limited time period, at any given time there are numerous construction projects of different sizes ongoing in the city. At that time, in Finnish cities there was generally still no water management requirements for construction sites. In 2014 we started collaboration with the cities of Kaarina and Turku with the aim of getting more information of the actual loading from different types of construction activities as well as developing tools and training for cities to reduce the negative impacts of construction activities on urban water bodies and existing infrastructure. Since then, we have continued the work within several different projects.


Results so far from the projects: 

Our projects:

Työkaluja työmaavesien hallintaan ‘Tools for construction site water quality management’ (2021-2022)

Työmaavesien hallinnan ratkaisut (2020-)

Rauhalinnasta hulevesien hallinnan mallialue (2014–2019)



Vilminko H., Auranen J. (2022): Työmaavesien kuormitus ja kuormituksen raja-arvot

Vilminko et al. (2022): Työmaavesien laadunhallinta haltuun – Opas kaupungeille ja kunnille

Leskinen P., Vilminko H. (2019): Rakennustyömaiden vesienhallinnan keinoja savimailla (p. 35). Vesitalous 2/2019