Researching the multiple use of common reed 

The utilization of common reed (Phragmites australis) has been interdisciplinarily examined from several different perspectives at Turku University of Applied Sciences since 2005. Utilizing reedbeds could help in creating new livelihoods such as providing reedbed removal services and produce building materials, biofuels or soil improvers made of reed. The common reed biomass is also rich in nutrients and can be used in substrates and as biofertilizer or feed. 

The versatile use of common reed is due to the many good properties of this natural material. As an aquatic plant common reed is waterproof, has a thermal insulation capacity comparable to industrial insulation, has a calorific value comparable to wood and it also insulates sound. Common reed’s life cycle is environmentally friendly and sufficient, as the plant is renewing every year. 

Harvesting of common reed is not part of everyman’s rights. Obtaining cutting permits from water area owners and shareholders has become a bottleneck, although there is a willingness to remove reeds, ownership of the shores is very fragmented. A part of the reed projects is working on the licensing and developing new procedures to get the harvesting up and running. 

The common reed database can be found on the Finnish authority of Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment website: Ruoko – Järviruo’on tietopankki 


Our projects:

Ruokohelmi (2021-)

Utilizing common reed! (Järviruoko hyötykäyttöön!) (2021-)

Reed occurrence and biomasses by the Archipelago Sea (Ruovikoiden esiintyminen ja biomassat Saaristomerellä)  (2021-)

Removal of common reed from the Archipelago Sea -project (Järviruo’on poisto Saaristomereltä -hanke) (2019-2021) 
