Water protection planning 

Team provides water protection planning services and participates in water protection planning activities as part of RDI projects. Team executes water protection planning from single constructed wetlands to catchment area level load reduction plans. In Southwest Finland, you can find number of agricultural wetlands planned by team’s experts. One example of catchment area level planning is Uusikaupunki freshwater reservoir and Sirppujoki, where various water quality and quantity challenges and different interests have been addressed with management plan and landowner handbooks.              


Wetland planning  

The team has long time experience in constructed wetland planning and research. Team has planned wetlands that retain nutrients and hazardous substances, while increasing biodiversity or providing habitats to bird of fish species. Site specific possibilities and restrictions are taken in account in wetland planning to ensure operational wetland. Turku University of Applied Sciences provides planning services carried out by team experts. In addition, wetland planning can be done by students as a part of their studies or final theses. Several multifunctional wetlands have also been planned and build in research and development projects such as Lisäarvoa kotikosteikosta. 


Our projects:

Lisäarvoa kotikosteikoista (2019-2021)

Uudenkaupungin makeavesialtaan käyttö- ja hoitosuunnitelma (2016-2018)



Kaseva A., Niemi J., Mononen., Laine K., Ajosenpää T., Alho P., Popova M. 2020: Suosituksia Sirppujoen alajuoksun tulvasuojeluun ja -haittoihin sopeutumiseen

Kanerva-Lehto H., 2017: Pohjapadot kosteikoissa ja laskeutusaltaissa, Turun ammattikorkeakoulu 2017.