Nutrient and runoff management
Eutrophication is the most severe water quality-related problem in our freshwaters as well as in the Baltic Sea. It is a consequence of the excessive external nutrient load, originating from human activity, and transported to waterbodies though runoff.
The Research Group investigates, designs, and implements efficient methods and approaches to diminish the nutrient load and to hinder the decay of the status of the waters, as ordered services, theses, or as part of various international and national projects.
They have designed and implemented, for example, nutrient load controlling, wetlands for water conservation, biocarbon filtering, and phosphorus precipitation for agricultural nutrient load management. They have also performed catchment level planning of nutrient load controlling in the Archipelago Sea.
During recent years, planning and development of urban stormwater management, and the monitoring of its quality and quantity, has become one of the main focuses of the group. The Research Group has implemented continuous monitoring of stormwater in Turku and its surroundings since 2011. They have also investigated the effects of runoff in construction sites and created guidelines for runoff management for construction sites.
Our projects:
Työkaluja työmaavesien hallintaan ‘Tools for construction site water quality management’ (2021-)
Työmaavesien hallinnan ratkaisut (2020-)
Rakennekalkki maatalouden vesiensuojelukeinona (2019-)
UrbanStormwaterRisk (2016-2019)
Rauhalinnasta hulevesien hallinnan mallialue (2014–2019)
Waterchain: Vedenlaadun hallinnan kokonaisuuden kehittäminen Aurajoen valuma-alueella (2015–2018)
Baltic Flows: Sade- ja valumavesien hallintaan ja monitorointiin keskittyvä projekti. (2013–2016)
Aurajoen ravinnesaostus: Jokimittakaavan fosforisaostuksen testaaminen (2015–2016)
Vilminko H., Leskinen P., Kaseva A., Auranen J. (2021): Current status of management of stormwater systems and solutions in four Baltic Sea countries. Reports from Turku University of Applied Sciences 279
Khadka A., Kokkonen T., Koivusalo H., Niemi T., Leskinen P., Körber J-H. (2021): Stormflow against streamflow – Can LID-provided storage capacity ensure performance efficiency and maintenance of pre-development flow regime? Journal of Hydrology 2021
Leskinen P., Vilminko H. (2019): Rakennustyömaiden vesienhallinnan keinoja savimailla. Vesitalous 2/2019
Leskinen P., Laaksonlaita J., Körber Jan-Hendrik, Yliruusi H. (2016): New knowledge on Diffuse Load Monitoring – State of art review. Baltic Flows 2016